Thursday, October 23, 2014

Monday, September 29, 2014

the guillotine

Every textbook we read,
Said bring you the bread,
But guess what we got you instead?
We got the guillotine,
We got the guillotine,
You betta run!
~ The Coup

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Monday, June 30, 2014

"soccer world cup"

What better demonstration of the truth,
That every race, if given half a chance,
Has strength, and natural talents that, forsooth,
Transcend the bigotry and circumstance
Of unkind history. Aggressors fight
To dominate a color, creed or race,
But when East, West, North, South, Black, Brown or White,
Meet on a level, equal, playing space,
With rules, traditions, referees to keep
Them honest, competition beautiful,
That sets at naught, the history of sheep
Oppressed by wolves, gives a most bountiful
Display of passion, rivalry, and skill,
Amid the wild beauty, of Brazil

~ Maurice Isaac, Gray Flannel Tramp

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Monday, March 17, 2014

laibach in hk

If you happen to be near Hong Kong this Saturday, March 22, see the historic Laibach performance sponsored by CIA. (Preceded by a lecture / discussion on the 21st.)

New Laibach:

Old Laibach:

More old Laibach: